NEWS > Interschool
Posted by Corinne Wilson on 22/11/2019.

Welcome Julia Williams

EV's Interschool program gets a boost

On behalf of the Equestrian Victoria Board and all members we take this opportunity to formally welcome Julia Williams to the EV Board as Director and Chair of the newly established Equestrian Victoria Interschool Committee (ISV).

Julia has been involved in the development of interschool competitions in Victoria since 1996 and has actively contributed to the rapid growth of interschool equestrian in Victoria.

Board Chair, Carl Parkin said “We received a number of quality applications, however Julia’s understanding of board requirements in relation to governance and strategy, as well as her specific equestrian experience, in particular in her role as Chair of the VEIS, made Julia the right choice for our community.”

“Julia’s approach to work is a collaborative one with a commitment to open, transparent and respectful communications, this aligns strongly with EV’s organisational values, and her commitment to achieving the best outcomes for all stakeholders will underpin her approach to establishing the Interschool Committee.

As a past Principal, Julia was able to hone her strategic and stakeholder management skills and at the same time support her passion for developing young equestrian riders by establishing the Toorak Equestrian Team, which she continues to manage today.

“The growth of interschool equestrian sport has provided me with the opportunity to work with enthusiastic parents and school coordinators in developing competitions, common standards and rules, and an interschool series with pathways to elite levels for interschool riders,” said Julia.

“I am excited by the future, as we develop this new EV Interschool committee and look forward to developing its role and responsibilities in collaboration with the EV Board and management.  I see a need for more proactive and positive parent involvement at competition level, delegation involving the utilisation of skill sets of members and building a structure that can sustain the transient nature of interschool families, whilst continuing to improve experiences, outcomes and skills for the riders.”

EV Board members formed the selection panel and were equally pleased to learn that a number of the applicants had expressed a desire to be involved with ISV moving forward, regardless of the role they would play.

A draft Terms of Reference is currently in development for the new Interschool Committee with Expressions of Interest expected to be called in the early December. 

Please join with us in welcoming Julia.  We look forward to working with her as we continue to support all participants to live their equestrian dream.


Carl Parkin
Matthew Brown


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