NEWS > General
Posted by Corinne Wilson on 22/09/2021.

COVIDSafe Settings for Coaches

Current COVIDSafe Settings for those living in Metro Melbourne, City of Ballarat, City of Greater Geelong, Surf Coast Shire and Mitchell Shire, and what the Victorian Roadmap means for equestrian coaches and students. 

Further to the information we shared with coaches yesterday, we continue to work closely with all relevant government bodies to support getting our coaches and students back to doing what they love.

Under the current restrictions coaching is allowed in outdoor public facilities (where riding is permitted), noting:

  • Students are governed by the exercise rules (exercise not community sports) which includes limits to the distance they can travel from home, the time they are allowed to exercise, the number permitted to particpate and application all of the usual social distancing and hygiene measures.
  • Coaches are listed on the authorised worker list under personal trainers.  Coaches must have an ABN, through which they can obtain an authorised worker permit to travel to coach (EV will not be issuing workers permits).

Whilst we know that equestrian coaching is often undertaken on private properties with vast open spaces, coaching on private property is unfortunately still not permitted.  However, all indications point to this being revisited on the indicative date of 26 September, in accordance Victorian Government Roadmap (column 1).  Dependent on vaccination rates reaching their targets, and providing no other major outbreaks occur, 26 September is earmarked for physical recreation and sport outdoor facilities to open for contactless recreation.

We heard concerns from coaches yesterday seeking clarity around being classified as ‘authorised workers’, and so we had SRV confirm directly with us today that you are indeed classified as authorised workers under personal trainers.

We know that this isn’t everything we’d all hoped for, but we continue to work hard to advocate on your behalf, and we encourage our community to stay as positive as possible, continue to reach out and support those around you and look ahead to brighter times.

For more information, please visit the links below:

Sport and Exercise COVIDSafe Settings
Sport and Exercise COVIDSafe FAQs
Victorian Roadmap

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